Piano Instructor
Homework Tutor
Special Subject Tutor
Piano Instructor
Special Subject Tutor
Karate Coach
Guitar Instructor
Ukulele Instructor
Learn Piano from CPC's Founder Mr. LEE Ping since 8 years old. First batch of students of CPC.
Music Qualification
- ABRSM Grade 8 in Piano
- Highest Mark in CPC Music Competition (95 marks)
- Start teaching at 16 with more than 20 years of teaching experience
- Teaching piano when studying in Vancouver, Canada
- Teaching in different districts after came back to Hong Kong, returned to CPC in 2009
Karate Qualification
- Ken Go Kai Karate Do Hong Kong Headquarter
Black Belt 4th Dan
Fung Shue Wo Dojo Instructor
Cheung Fat Dojo Instructor
- The Karate Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited
Level two (2) Coach
Referee Council Executive Member (2023-2026)
Referee Council Non-Executive Member (2019-2022)
General Committee Non-Executive Member (2019-2026)
Referee Kata Judge A
Referee Kumite Referee A
Development Coach Award (2012, 2020)
- Practise Karate since 14
Hong Kong Karate Youth Game - Kata 2nd Runner-Up
Hong Kong Karate Tournament - Kata Top 8
Hong Kong Karate Tournament - Kumite Top 8
- In 1994, helped for starting up Ken Go Kai Karate Do Hong Kong Headquarter Lam Woo Dojo as Assistant Coach
- In 2007, start running Ken Go Kai Karate Do Hong Kong Headquarter Fung Shue Wo Dojo as Chief Coach
- In 2021, start running Ken Go Kai Karate Do Hong Kong Headquarter Cheung Fat Dojo as Chief Coach
- Students got more than 80 trophies during these years. In fact, students were selected to Hong Kong Karate Team and representing Hong Kong.
Senior Piano Instructor in CPC.
- Learn Piano from CPC's Founder Mr. LEE Ping
- ATCL Performance Diploma in Trinity College London
- ABRSM Grade 8 in Piano
- ABRSM Grade 8 in Flute
- ABRSM Grade 8 in Music Theory
- Diploma Programme in Piano Teaching and Performance in CUSCS
- Teaching Piano/Flute/ Music Theory over 15 years. Students get excellent result in ABRSM/ Trinity College London Examination and HKSMSA
New Talented Piano and Instructor
- Graduated in Bachelor Degree in Social Science in the Open University of Hong Kong
- Learn piano at CPC from Mr. Dicky Lee
- ABRSM Grade 8 in Piano (Graded Merit)
- Registered Referee of Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China Limited
- Experienced in different areas of teaching
- Students enjoy the new teaching method adopted by Kimki
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